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Counselling is – whatever you need it to be. For some people (most actually) that begins with the open ear and mind of the counsellor; someone who is genuinely interested in hearing about your experience and will not judge you for it. Someone who can sit with you in your pain and hear whatever you need to say. Sometimes that is enough.

Often, it’s about telling your story.

Through the telling of your story, awareness expands, and realisation and clarity emerge.

It can start with the realisation that the event or circumstance or relationship in question may be more painful, more important, or more troublesome than you first thought.

Or it could be just the opposite. Perhaps then clarity arises about what you want to be different and what is important to you.

Now we can add the action.

Such insight and understanding can then be combined with meaningful action, such as mindfulness skills, goal setting, building processes and better habits (or releasing unhelpful ones) to enable behaviour change to improve your life and being.

Problems can be identified, and then solutions devised and enacted. Strengths can also be identified and leveraged to advantage.

Counsellor Jason Britten.

My diverse life experience has provided significant exposure to trial and challenge. My willingness to learn and find solutions, along with the determination to survive and then thrive, saw me through a long period of difficult illness and recovery. I bring together this lived experience with distinct counselling skills from post-graduate studies and training in process-oriented psychology, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Narrative Therapy. I have counselling experience in a broad range of areas, including chronic illness, grief and loss, anxiety, depression, emotion regulation and relationships. I have a special interest in men’s health and well-being.

You can contact Jason at Harmony Health for counselling information at 6281 4740. You can find out more about Jason and book a free 15-minute intro session to see if Jason is a good fit for where you are at. Find out more or book.